Sunday, 28 February 2016

My Best Macro outing in Singapore, Ever?

I have a few overseas photography trips lined-up this year and to be honest, i cannot wait to pack up and leave. Imagine all the snakes, spiders and cool bugs waiting to be discovered and photographed.....Wishful thinking? Well, my macro-outing last night served as a gentle reminder that I do not need a passport to find exotic subjects!

I seldom post about my local outings but last night 's session deserves a special mention. I was pleasantly surprised by the richness in biodiversity that this newly-discovered location has to offer, despite its relatively small area. It was a fabulous albeit short session, but we hope to return soon and spend more time here!

*Click on the image to enlarge*

Twig Spider (Ariamnes sp.) Fully stretch it measured around 15mm.

Unidentified Assassin Bug. (20mm)

Most likely a Carrhotus sp. (8mm)

Side profile of the spider.

A gorgeous Limacodid caterpillar (Narosa sp.?). I have never seen anything like this before!

Under UV-light. It looks like a deep-sea creature.

With backlighting.

Ctenus Wandering Spider (Ctenus cf. floweri) spotted on the forest floor. It has a legspan of around 15mm.

Mandatory close-up shot of its face.

We found this jumper amongst the leaf litter. I immediately recognised the species.

This is a Harmochirus brachiatus and it measured only 3mm in length! The last time i photographed this species was 2 years ago, so it was really a nice surprise.

Close-up of "Popeye". Look at those arms!

A beautiful moth spotted in the leaf-litter. Not sure of its ID.

It was so good at camouflaging that it took us almost 10 minutes of searching before we were able to spot it again, after we lost sight of it the first time. This particular species of Lichen huntsman (Pandercertes sp.) is different from the usual ones you find on trees around the island. At resting position, it tends to keep the Leg 1 and 2 together and appearance-wise it is much more 'hairy'.

Close-up of the huntsman spider. It measured less than an inch in legspan.

The Tree stump orb-weaver spider (Poltys sp.) really lives up to its name!

I was looking at a pile of rotten logs when i spotted something orange and shiny!

It is a male Trilobite beetle. Quite a rare sight here in Singapore.

Close-up of its face. Can you see the eyes?